Tag Archives: classics

Shakespeare & Linoleum

Poetry and Marmoleum…Shakespeare? Really?

Shakespeare & Linoleum - Marmoleum Sweet Marmoleum

Shalt thou embrace and splurge for the flower of the floor or lie for all the seasons, regretful at thou fickle frugal nature!

A long time admirer of the linoleum floor, most people don’t know that William Shakespeare was thought by some of notable import to be the first in history to write about linoleum and its wondrous properties. When dirt floors were all the rage in England it was heresy to even consider such luxury.




Marmoleum Sweet Marmoleum

Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home;
Apologies to J H Payne must be expressed
Or this verse will be pure theft at best.

While exiled from home, scouting materials up-to-date,
What to use to replace the old carpet I hate,
The DIY in me fell in love with Marmoleum
So pretty and easy and free of petroleum.

I gazed on the naked floors with anticipation,
And designed a layout of my own wild creation.
My carpenter did machine cuts and we both did the Click
And found that the floor got finished right quick.

How sweet, how Cool, and thoroughly Green,
I even enjoy keeping the silly Floors clean.
So round two is upon me: three more rooms to do,
The adventure starts again, and the colors are new.

To return ever more determined, renovation the goal,
My heart still flutters at Marmoleum —
Not linoleum — never rustoleum –like a museum —
Such a lovely home, and the floor is floating;
If I could be humble I wouldn’t be gloating.
No more from that cottage again will I roam;
Be it ever so tumble, there’s no place like home.


PS: Points to W. Shakespeare!